Reason Behind Egg Dye

Will you be dying Easter Eggs this year?

Dying Easter eggs may seems harmless, but it comes from an old fertility rite. Is this something as a "Christian" you should take part in?

First, why would anyone want to 'Dye' an egg to begin with?! Did you know that Easter eggs use to be only dyed red? Blood red! At least 2000 years before Jesus, the priests of Ishtar (Babylonian) or Easter (English) would impregnate young virgins on an altar. The children were born, and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter Sunday service at sunrise. The priests would take eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.

Sounds ridiculous right, well we even have Bible verses that tell us about how parents sacrificed their children to gods by fire in Jeremiah 32:35 and 2 Kings 17:31.

Eggs were sacred to many ancient civilizations and formed an integral part of religious ceremonies in Egypt and the Orient. Dyed eggs were hung in Egyptian temples, and the egg was regarded as the emblem of regenerative life proceeding from the mouth of the Egyptian god.

In Chinese culture, it is common to hold at the baby's first-month birthday a red egg and ginger party. The color red means prosperity and good fortune to the Chinese.

Druids were also said to have dye eggs red, like menstrual blood, and bury them in the newly plowed fields in late winter to draw life force energy into the land and encourage fertility and abundance.

Now days from Orthodox churches to Roman Catholic Churches all over Europe, priest BLESS Easter eggs in their Paschal Vigil or Easter Masses. While some Christians Churches symbolically link the cracking open of Easter eggs with the empty tomb of Jesus. Christians adapted the symbols, ceremonies and name of the spring festivities of Ishtar-Esther-Eostre to create Easter. It's just that simple!

Easter eggs have absolutely nothing to do with biblical Christianity. Once again it's nothing more then Rome adopting and embracing pagan practices and fusing them into their own worship.

But God warns against such things. Jeremiah wrote in Jer 10:2, “Learn not the way of the heathen”.. Even Jesus warned that it was possible to worship God in vain in Mark 7:7, “In vain do they worship Me, seeking after doctrines the commandments of men.” Jesus went on to say in Matt 15:6, “You make the law of God of none effect through your tradition”.

I understand that traditions are hard to break, and many of us grow up with traditions that gave us wonderful memories that we hoped for our children to enjoy them as well. However there comes a time when we must start to think for ourselves and question if these traditions are pleasing the Father.

Keep Studying!


Wheel of the Year


Meaning of the Word Easter