Meaning of the Word Easter

The word 'Easter'…

What everyone wonders, what do Bunnies and Eggs have to do with Jesus, The Messiah? Where did the word Easter even come from and what does it mean?

Dictionary. com, word origin… Old English ēastre, after a Germanic goddess Eostre; related to Old High German ōstarūn Easter.

Whether Easter or Eostre-Ostara-Eastre they all point back to a Goddess of Fertility (Germanic Mythology). Eostre is the ancient European name for the same goddess worshiped by the Babylonians as Astarte or Ishtar, goddess of fertility, whose major celebration was in the spring of the year. It's always about sex.

Another interesting fact is…..
The scientific terminology for the female hormone and reproduction cycle: Estrogen and Estrus are derived from Eostre.

*Estrogen or Oestrogen is the primary female sex hormone.
*Estrus or Oestrus (Zoology) a regularly occurring period of sexual receptivity in most female mammals, the term "in heat". Latin Oestrus = frenzied passion

It's pretty well known that eggs represent fertility and rebirth. And everyone knows that Rabbits can't stop mating. Rabbits only gestate for 30 days, once she has her litter, she can become pregnant the following day, due to not having a menstrual cycle. They are extremely fertile little creatures.

So NOW, Easter is starting to make a little more sense right, why we have Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs, it's all about fertility. So where is Jesus in all of this. Isn't it suppose to be about the Resurrection of Jesus?!

Well, that's what happens when The Roman Catholic Church merged with the pagan worshipers. And the Christian Churches have not taught us the truth. They have simple followed in the RCC's footsteps and exchanged the Passover, Resurrection for a holiday (holy day) that is immersed in fertility rituals, including it's name.

We know very well that our Father in Heaven wants nothing to do with these gods and goddesses. So all this fertility goddess stuff is not pleasing to Him at all! And then you try to 'Christianize' it, yikes! We were warned that this will provoke him to anger in Deuteronomy 12, Jeremiah 7.

We are commanded to honor the Messiah, Jesus' death with the last supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-25), the Passover meal, Jesus is our Passover Lamb, and we are to remember Him with the breaking of bread and drinking of wine. Not as the Jews do! But as believers in The Lamb of God. We are not to take part in all these man-made traditions. We should honor what Jesus commanded of us to do.

Much love!


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