The Easter Bunny

Once again, we have one who like Santa, also sneaks into your home and leaves a basket filled with toys and candy. And as a special treat, he hides eggs for you to seek out. What's so wrong with that!

The 'Rabbit and Hare' has NEVER had any connection with 'Christianity'. So why do we teach our children this, when as believers in The Most High, are called to walk in truth.

Many innocently have never learned the truth of these Holidays, and have just followed after the traditions of our parents. While some don't want to 'deprive' their children of this 'fun'. There are others who are starting to questioning this tradition. I understand that everyone is at a different level. But lets look at a few things.

The Easter Hare was no ordinary animal, but a sacred companion of the old goddess of fertility and spring, (Eostre) Easter or Ostara. The rabbit is a pagan symbol that has always been an emblem of fertility, sentiment, desire, and procreation. Hares and rabbits were the most fertile animals.

Did you know….
Rabbits are induced ovulators, which means the act of mating stimulates the female to ovulate. She is only pregnant for 28 to 31 days, rabbits can conceive a second litter up to 4 days BEFORE even giving birth. Which means she can give birth to a new litter before the previous litter is even weaned!

The pagan hare, the 'symbol' of the goddess Easter, hasn't gone away, it's just morphed into a person in an Easter Bunny costume.

The legend of the Easter bunny bringing eggs appears to have been brought to the United States by settlers from Germany, with their tradition of an egg-laying hare. Due to Europe being deeply rooted in pagan traditions. Over the past 200 years, the Easter bunny has become the most commercially recognized symbol of Easter in the United States. History com

So what's so bad about this egg-laying hare? And yes we know that rabbits don't lay eggs. However, both are clearly fertility symbols, and there is no way to link this to Jesus, no way! In a world filled with pagan traditions, truth and logic are simply lost. Trying to 'Christianize' these idolatrous pagan practices only provoke the Father to anger.

Sadly we know that even with this knowledge of the truth, it won't stop most Christians and Catholics from decorating their homes and churches with these Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs each spring. Which makes one wonder if they love man-made Traditions more then the Truth.

Once again, I share this with you, not to condemn you, but in hopes that it might cause you to want to study this out for your own self.

Much love!


Labyrinth (3/3)


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