Evergreen Tree (Post 2 part 1)

Yes, I know this is a sensitive issue, but I would like to touch on it. So obviously the only reason we would bring a tree into our home and decorated it would be due to tradition right. But where did this tradition come from?

The modern Christmas tree originated in Germany in the 1500s. But the Germans got it from the Romans, who got it from the Babylonians and the Egyptians.

To the Celts and many other people of the old world, trees were sacred. Some believed they provided a powerful spiritual presence. Among the Druids the oak was sacred, among the Egyptians it was the palm, and in ROME it was the FIR, which was decorated with red berries during Saturnalia! This is where Christmas comes from, from 'Saturnalia'.

In another post I will share the story of Nimrod. Due to trying to keep these post short.

Most aspects of Christmas are not referred to in the Bible. The reason is that they are not from The Father, they are not apart of the way He wants people to worship Him. They come from The Romans, when they merged the Christians with the pagans.
I believe the verses in Jeremiah 10:2-5, is a straight forward description of the modern day Christmas Tree…. “Thus says the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen… For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.”
And I do understand that many say no, this is speaking of carved wood. Well, that's up to you, but you are still taking a tree that has been cut down and bringing it into your home.

Now some will try to suggest, that because these trees are powerless of themselves, it is not really forbidden to have a Christmas-Holiday tree.

Are you worshiping the tree? Of course not! But think about it. To start off your Christmas season you pick a day to go get this tree, then you set it up in the middle of your home, then you adorn it with ornaments, and as an honor you have someone place a special angel or star at the very top of the tree, you give it water to try to keep it alive as long as possible, you must kneel down to stack gifts under it, and adorn it with lights so that you may admire it in the dark. A lot goes into this tree. Then you may even sing a song such as O Christmas Tree, with lyrics as follows…

'O Christmas tree'
"Your leaves are so unchanging, Not only green when Summer’s here, But also when it’s cold and drear, O Christmas tree, Much pleasure you do give me, O Christmas tree, Much pleasure you do give me, How often has the Christmas tree Given me the greatest glee, O Christmas tree, Much pleasure you do give me, From top to bottom, You’re so bright, There’s only splendor for the sight, O Christmas tree, Your lights are shining brightly, O Christmas tree, Your lights are shining brightly."

And lastly, the great deception started with a tree, ‘The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. What does a tree with garland and ornaments look like, that's simple, the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with fruit hanging and the serpent wrapped around the tree. Many use to build altars to their gods, under evergreen trees. And The Father warn His people to not worship Him as these heathen/pagans did. Satan has fooled us all into going against The Father and bringing these trees into our homes and worse yet, tricking us into giving glory to Jesus, with it.

Let me state that I am in no way claiming that if you bring a tree into your home you are sinning. I know most believe their tree is just a simple decoration. However, I am looking at it with spiritual eyes. And I can tell you one thing, this is not pleasing to the Father in Heaven.

BTW I will have a 2nd post on Christmas trees, trying to not keep them so lengthy. Much love!


When was The Messiah Born? (Post 1)


Evergreen Tree (Post 2 part 2)