December 25th (Post 8 Part 2)

Since Jesus, The Messiah, was NOT born on December 25th. WHY was this day chosen to 'celebrate' His birth then? Let's find out…

Have you ever heard of 'Sol Invictus'?
Sol Invictus, is a Latin name meaning "Unconquered or Invincible Sun", he was the official 'Sun god' of the later Roman Empire. In 274 AD the Roman Emperor Aurelian made it an official Roman cult alongside the traditional Roman cults they had. Aurelian inaugurated his new Temple dedicated to Sol Invictus and held the first games for Sol on December 25th of 274AD, on the 'supposed' day of the winter solstice and day of rebirth of the Sun. (The worship of 'Sol', was introduced by Titus Tatius shortly after the foundation of Rome back in 753BC)

First they celebrated 'Saturnalia', that was an ancient Roman festival in honor of the god Saturn, which was held on December 17th through 23rd.

Then on December 25th The Romans held a festival called "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti", "The BIRTHDAY of the Unconquered SUN."
So when the Roman Emperor Constantine came along, whom was a sun worshiper, a follower of Mithraism, he decided to merge the follows of Jesus, who worshiped the 'Son of God' with the heathens who worshiped their 'Sun god'. About 60 years later Constantine and Pope Julius I declared the birth of Jesus, "Christmas" on December 25th.

Since now we know that Rome merged the birth of our Savior, Jesus with their sun god Sol Invictus, have you notice something, most statues and pictures in the Vatican and in the Roman Catholic Churches have sun disc, sun rays, sunburst, everything is about the sun. Have you ever wondered why Jesus always has a sun or sun disc behind His head?!

We even have Emperor Constantine declaring on March 7th 321AD, “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed." Mmmm! Interesting huh.|

Yes sun worship has been going on since the tower of Babel with Nimrod. However, it was merged into Christianity, and it all started right here in Rome.

I'm sorry, but Our Precious Messiah, Jesus was not born on December 25th. Should we pretend he was? Well, that is a personal decision, and it's for you to decide. I understand that when I share these things that it upsets some of you and that is not my intention. I just want to give you the information and you can decide what to do with it. I personally am so grateful for The Father sending His Son to us, everyday, I don't need a chosen day to remember His Gift! May this bless you.

Much love!


December 25 (Post 8)


Nimrod (Post 9)