Step by step to a ‘One World Religion’

The mission of their 'One World' religion is still moving right along daily. The UN has declares February 4th as International Day of Human Fraternity.

We know that the Pope and the Grand Imam made their Fraternity Pact back in February of 2019. And now the UN wants this day celebrated annually.

Even though they use words like interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and tolerance, that's not really what Pope Francis wants. He states that 'religious tolerance' is not enough he wants 'Fraternity' (brotherhood) with all.

You see, their goal is AFTER the 'Pandemic' they want us to have a rebirth, to be born again, to have an awaking to their new Unity, Solidarity and Fraternity, to have Peace and Inclusion for all.

Don't forget these words from last April…. "Francis granted an interview to the Spanish-language paper Vida Nueva where he proposed a “PLAN TO RESURRECT” after coronavirus lockdowns. The plan is anchored on the GLOBAL INTERCONNECTEDNESS that became so apparent during the pandemic. “If we were able to learn something in all this time is that nobody SAVES themselves alone,” Francis said, adding that in these times the Holy Spirit “OPEN horizons, REAWAKENS creativity and RENEWS us in FRATERNITY.”Oh really!

And in regards to his 'Fratelli Tutti' (aka brotherhood) encyclical…

EWTN News reporter asked Vatican analyst (Andrea Gaguarducci), why did Pope Francis write a new encyclical- "Well, Pope Francis has been reflecting during months of lockdown about how the WORLD should be DESIGNED AFTER the coronavirus CRISIS. All his notes went into this encyclical, which will likely OUTLINE THE WORLD after the coronavirus." Well! We know this has been in the plans a lot longer than that.

Here are a few excerpts from a Rome Reports article from yesterday…

'Pope Francis, Imam Al-Tayyeb and Antonio Guterres prepare Day of Human Fraternity'

"This Thursday, Feb. 4th, will be the first International Day of Human Fraternity. An online event has been organized from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Pope Francis, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, will be among invited guests."

"The winner of the Zayed Prize will be announced during the event. The prize is awarded to people dedicated to building peace and dialogue."

"Feb. 4 was not chosen by chance. It was on that day, in 2019, that Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, signed the document on human fraternity. That meeting set the foundation for a common goal between Christians and Muslims: to fight against fanaticism and discrimination by fundamentalist groups.

Since then, the pope has given a copy of the document to every government leader he's met. The text is a commitment to build a more fraternal world, an idea the pope also explores in his latest encyclical “Fratelli Tutti.”

"The United Nations has also taken up the Abu Dhabi initiative, which is why it has declared every Feb. 4 as International Day of Human Fraternity. Due to the pandemic, its first edition will have to be held online." -Rome Reports

And here are few more excerpts from a Vatican News article…

Cardinal Ayuso: ‘We must work for a culture of peace and inclusion'

"Last year on December 21, the General Assembly of the United Nations, during its 75th plenary session, established that February 4 of each year be dedicated as an International Day of Human Fraternity. The UN statement reads that by adopting this resolution, the Assembly invites member states to celebrate this day “to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue." The text of the resolution also expresses the hope that "a global response based on unity, solidarity and renewed multilateral cooperation" will be sought as the world faces the unprecedented crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. With the awareness that on our own we cannot save ourselves, the resolution calls on making every effort so that interreligious and intercultural dialogue are promoted, as advocated in the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together signed in 2019 in Abu Dhabi by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyib. It is precisely to commemorate the signing of the Document that the UN chose the date of February 4."

"With the view of the good of all humanity, it is hoped that the February 4 occurrence will rouse the desire to work for a culture of peace that supports the efforts of all those - including the international community and followers of various religious traditions - who are committed to tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity, especially during these times tragically marked by the pandemic. When this crisis ends, we will be called to REBUILD and increase outreach in favor of fraternity, solidarity and peace. Coming out of this pandemic we will have to be REBORN again, better than we were before. And not only at a personal level." *Rebuild and be Reborn*

Remember the Jesuit run 'American Magazine' reminds us what “Fratelli Tutti” is all about….

"The encyclical will focus on the theme of Human Fraternity, that is RECOGNIZING each other as BROTHERS AND SISTERS, and the importance of this in the contemporary world for the promotion of PEACE, HARMONY and SOLIDARITY between INDIVIDUAL and NATIONS."

Their False Unity of Peace is coming for the 'Common Good' of all. You need to be rooted and grounded in your faith and doctrine, and stand strong!

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" Ephesians 4:14

Keep watching

Pope Francis, Imam Al-Tayyeb and Antonio Guterres prepare Day of Human Fraternity | ROME REPORTS

Cardinal Ayuso: ‘We must work for a culture of peace and inclusion' - Vatican News


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