Mystery Babylon

I'm going to break this up into bit-size pieces for those interested, and you will see how simple this is to understand. We all need to remember that everyone is at a different level of growing and learning in the Word, and we are all on our journey. Please don't think that I believe I know more then others. It's just The Father kindly showed me this over 20 years ago, when I asked to understand His Word, and He continues to reveal more and more all the time. And I believe we need to share what we know.

The Father clearly told us who this 'Mystery Babylon' is, when you put the clues together. Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 13:11-13 when they asked Him, why do you speak to them in Parables. And He answered them and told them, Parables are for the unbelievers, to help them understand. And the Mysteries are for the believers, so the unbelievers will not understand. So these 'Mysteries' are meant for those who study the Word to find out, put simply! We are able to know this 'Mystery'.

Many are so concerned about the 'Mark of the Beast' and the number '666' but don't seem to want to find out who this Beast, 'Mystery Babylon even is.

The angel tells John, come here and let me tell you who this 'Great Whore' that is sitting on the Beast on many waters is. Let's look at Revelations 17 and 18 for the breakdown.

The Bible will interpret itself! We will find out that the women is a religious system & a Great City that is riding a beast which is a Nation. And this is a symbol of uniting the church and state into one power.

Most understand that a women in scripture is a symbol of a church. Just as a pure women symbolizes a pure church which is faithful to Jesus, so an impure women represents a fallen church, that is unfaithful to Jesus. Also known as a 'Harlot or a Whore'. But if you are not aware of that, you can look into these verses here in Ephesians 5:23-32 and 2 Corinthians 11:2 Jeremiah 6:2, Ezekiel 16:2,15, Rev 19:7-8 to help you understand and give you a better picture. And we know that a Beast is a symbol for a Kingdom or a Nation from Daniel 2 and 7.

By the end of these 15 or so post, you will have no doubt who this 'Mystery Babylon' is! The Bible will reveal it. It's so easy to understand that it's not New York, Mecca, Turkey, Iraq and so on!

Be a Berean!


The Great Whore