Yule (Post 10 Part 2)

What is Yule and what is a Yule log?

Use any online Dictionary, and type the word 'Yule' in and this is what will pop up "noun 1. Christmas or Christmas season", it's that simple!

The celebration of Yule, a Nordic tradition, predates the Christian holiday 'Christmas' by thousands of years. Most Christmas traditions are rooted deep in ancient Yule rituals.

In celebration of the Winter Solstice Festivals in Scandinavia, Germany, and other parts of northern Europe, these included feasting, drinking, and even sacrifices (animal and human) to the gods (Odin, Lugh, Horus, Osiris, Apollo, etc)

The traditions of the Yule log and the Yule Boar (sónargǫltr was the boar sacrificed as part of the celebration) are still reflected in the Christmas Yule log burning and Christmas Ham of today's traditions.

Burning the yule log symbolizes reignite the sun, the return of warmth and heat. Celebrating the rebirth of the sun can be seen in cultures throughout history around the world.

In Scandinavia, the people would feast until the log burned out, which could take as many as 12 days. Which would have brought forth the 12 Days of Yule. The origin for the Christian "12 Days of Christmas".

In Germany the Yule Log (the fir tree), was carefully chosen and brought into the house and burned with a great ceremony.
For Celtic pagans, Yule is the time when the Sun god 'Lugh' is reborn in human form.

You will find many theories and interpretations of Yule, the point is, it's no secret that Christmas is deeply rooted in Pagan worship…..
We need to remember that The Father told us in His Word, don't inquire how others worship their gods and then take that and worship Him. He doesn't want it! He HATES it...

"Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise." Deut 12:30

Again I share these, not to hurt anyone, but to get people asking questions. May Our Father place a desire for the truth of these holidays in your heart. I hope these bless you. Much love!


Yule (Post 10 Part 1)


Yule and the Holly king (Post 10 Part 3)