Church Please Stop! (Post 5 Part 2)

Please Stop!
There are many Christian websites out there supporting Santa, such as Christianity Today with articles called, 'Yes, Your Kids Can Enjoy Santa While Honoring Jesus' or the Christian Post with 'How Santa points to Jesus'. Here's another Christianity Today "Why Santa belongs in your kids Christmas" Or how about this one from Beliefnet "Believe your children celebrating Santa Claus is wrong? Think again." And many more headlines like these. They are only misguiding believers!!!

Three years ago, the Church that my daughter was attending did a few sermons on-line on Christmas, its history and it's pagan roots, they didn't stress the Roman Catholic Church though, the most important part. However, it was the Santa Claus sermon that just blew my mind! This is all done to justify and hold tight to Christmas.

This pastor went on and on for about an hour, about the history of St. Nick and how wonderful he was! And how the Santa today is a reminder of Jesus and blah blah blah. Are you serious! It was such blasphemy. This pastor's job is to teach the Word and help guide the Church in Truth, not find ways to conform to the world or embrace Catholic traditions. Pastors know better, they are held to a higher judgement. All because they refuse to give up Christmas, they are looking for anything and everything to defend celebrating this day.

Please, if you feel that you can justify santa, I urge you to go read my post Day 4 of Santa and how he is a dangerous counterfeit. And don't miss tomorrow's post on the Krumpus. OR do your own research, which you should anyways!

This is not just Spiritual Blindness, it's Spiritual Sickness! It's conforming to the world. And the Church needs to stop this! AND believers need to stop being bottle fed and start feeding yourself with some real table food! Read Hebrews 5:11-14. This is why the Church is so weak today. If you love The Father and His Word, then you should desire the Truth!

Remember He said, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1 We need to test everything! Sorry if this sounds harsh today, but this is wrong, and it needs to be said.

Much love!


Santa Claus, A Saint? (Post 5 Part 1)


Krampus (Post 6 Part 1)