Was Christmas Was Banned? (Post 3)

Believe it or not! Christians once banned Christmas.

The Followers of Jesus, in both America and England helped to pass laws making it illegal to observe Christmas! It was taken serious, if you got caught partaking in this day, you got fined.

Yes! Most Americans are unaware that Christmas was "banned" in Boston from 1659-1681. And also in England from 1644 to 1660.

When the Protestants Puritans came to the New World, they brought with them their religion that they took SERIOUSLY and their disgust for Christmas! These people got their name 'The Puritans' because they sought to purify the church of England. Basically they wanted nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Churches teachings.

NOW, if Christmas was all about Jesus, do you really believe these people would have banned this day?!

Yes, they were known to be very strict, however, they banned Christmas because it was common practice on Christmas to get drunk, have huge feast, go Wassailing (that is caroling drunk), and engage in all types of sexual practices because Saturnalia was the Holiday they were celebrating as it went under the new name 'Christmas'.

And the Puritans didn't want anything to do with this vile day. They nicknamed this time "Foolstide" since the term "Christmastide" was used to mean Christmas season in the Roman Catholic Church.

These Protestants also tried to stomp out the customs of St. Nicholas, aka 'Santa Claus', since they did not accept honoring and praying to saints, another Catholic practice.

When Christmas was banned, many people celebrated it in secret because they loved it so much, and reused to give it up. They demanded to have their Holiday back. And the Puritans lost their battle to stop Christmas, and the ban was lifted.

Take a look at a powerful quote from Rev. Cotton Mather in 1712 on Christmas. "Can you in your conscience think that your Holy Savior is honored by hard drinking, lewd revealing, and by a Mass fit for none but Bacchus or Saturn?" (That's a powerful statement!)

The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on Dec. 25th was in the year 336, during Roman Emperor Constantine's reign. A few years later Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on 25th!!!

A Pope told you to celebrate the birth of your Savior on December 25th! It's unbiblical, and we will continue to find to find out why. We must not forget our history.

Much love!


Evergreen Tree (Post 2 part 2)


Jesus and Santa (Post 4)